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We need your feedback! Newsletter

Dear Member,
Thank you so much for reading our monthly newsletter! We would appreciate it if you could answer this short survey to give your opinion on our newsletter. It will take you approximately 1-2 minutes. Your feedback would help us a lot to improve the content for you! :)
Thank you and have a wonderful day!

To what extent do you find the newsletter relevant? (1 - Not at all relevant; 5 - Very relevant)

To what extent do you find the newsletter relevant? (1 - Not at all relevant; 5 - Very relevant)

Which sections were the most interesting to you? (You can choose more than one option if it applies )

Which sections were the most interesting to you? (You can choose more than one option if it applies )

How do you find the frequency of the newsletter?

How do you find the frequency of the newsletter?

Do you have any suggestions for improving the content of our newsletter?